My precious games!
Lately, the urge to go and play more videogames is decreasing. I don't know why. My games are still fun. All I really do is play videogames all day, but now it doesn't seem to be all that inviting any more. It might be possible that my sub-conscious has started to loathe games because I'm always in a rush to finish my homework in the morning. (My own mind has betrayed me!) It could also be that I am spending much more time with my family- playing games, watching some movies. (My family could never be the problem....could it?) Maybe my pile of books has become too irresistible for me? (Inconceivable!) Anyway, I would like to hear your thoughts on this matter to put my mind at ease. They better be good comments!
P.S. - The spell checker wanted to replace the word videogames with piteousness. (I guess it was the closest thing.)
Video game Ennui! It's probably a good thing that you get tired of them sometimes and do other things. You need to have balance in life. Video games can be addictive!
I hope I've instilled in you a high taste and snobishness about which video games you want to play. To me, just like movies, many or most video games are just lame. But the good ones are great stories. Like when Yuna turns her back on her father's path in Final Fantasy X. I'll remember that forever, It's a great moment.
I just won The Ark of Nepshtim that you sent me. Thanks, it was a fun game, I played it on the "hard" setting. But why did Adol leave the elf girl behind? She was way hotter than the pirate girl. And she had a sister.
Well, Geoffrey, if this were my dream...
I would think that my games were a way of escaping the real world. Leaving your homework until the last minute definitely makes life harder, which makes you want to escape more, which makes your life harder, which makes you want to escape more, which makes your life harder. You get the idea. Putting work first makes play more satisfying and renewing. And maybe sharing your life more with your family, playing games and going to movies with real people, satisfies that social longing in you that makes you want to be included. We all love you and want to be around you because you are so damn cute. We love your playfulness and good humor. Video games are good, too, but like Wesley said, you have to have a balance.
I think that it is no mistake that the spellchecker was trying to replace videogames wih piteousness!!! Haha! Just kidding. It's no secret that I have never really understood the drive to play videogames--except for the Dark Side of Xeen. That game was fun. Anyway, I think that it is good that you are moving away from the games a little bit. Steve saves his games as a reward when he's done with his homework. He just barely started playing Quake 4 that he got for Christmas because he got all A's in his classes and he has a few weeks off before his next semester starts. I think it's more fun and rewarding for him to play when he knows he's worked so hard.
If I had free time, I would hit the pile of books I want to read. That's what I really miss about not having very much time for anything other than school. I miss reading and writing. Get it in while you can!!
I'm glad you started a blog, bud. You are so funny, and I'm excited to read more about the life and times of PG15.
Love you!
Well, Geoff, I think there's only one explaination for the video-game boredom. You're dying. Sorry bud, it was nice knowing you.
Really, though, I'm glad you started a blog as well! I was really impressed with how you write and express your ideas, I think you've got the Hanna gene of being really articulate with what you write. Keep it up, I love to hear what you're thinking and it will be a nice way to keep in touch once Jay and I FINALLY move out. :)
Dark side of Xeen, haven't thought about that game for a long time!
Of course you can't hear your games calling to you anymore. They can't compete with me yeliing, "Geoff-REE!" when I come home from work and want to watch an episode with you. Now your games have given up to a lost cause. :)
Geoff, I agree with what the others have said. Growing out of your childhood video game fetish is definitely not a bad thing. It's good to have balance, to play with friends, spend time outside, or time developing your mind (in a way other than memorizing the way to beat whatever it is you're playing at the time.) Reading is wonderful pasttime, as is cleaning your room or just spending quiet time. It sounds lame and cheesy, but it's for real. You will feel better, and feel more well-rounded when you make time in your life for more than just "games."
It's fun to watch you grow-up, PG-15. Have fun with discovery the new "you."
Games I am totally excited to play:
1.) Oblivion on Xbox360 and released last week
2.) Final Fantasy XII now released in Japan.
Final Fantasy is the new Land Before Time. There are going to be a million and seven of them...
Except each Final fantasy gets better and better and each Land Before Time gets more and more lame!
I make my own comments too. Wesley is right. They do just keep getting better and better, except 10-2. That was LAME!
Oh Wes, my mistake. They have only made one Final Fantasy movie so far but... who knows?
Your right Gamefreak, X-2 was lame. My bad. I'm going to send you the preview disk for FF XII. It's really different, but the graphics are cool.
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