I got skills!!
I got better grades than I thought. My report card came today, and it said that I got an A- in Algebra 2. My lowest grade on there was a B, and I got an A in Geography. I guess scoring in the top 10 percent of the nation on the Iowa Test is what got my Algebra 2 grade up. My GPA for fourth term was 3.750, and my Cumulative GPA for the whole year was 3.791. I'm pretty proud of my scores. My scores may not be as impressive as Chelsee's, but I'm not exactly trying to compete with her.
I'm not so sure I earned the grades I got. I only got a better grade because I did well on this final test. I'm not exactly complaining, but I think it's kind of cheap. I could have guessed on those questions. I pretty sure I knew most of them, but I think I guessed on some. Anyway, I'm not going to worry myself anymore. It's summer time. I'm going to start enjoying myself and taking it easy. (Like I wasn't doing that already, right?)
Good job, Bud! I'm glad that you did so well. When you say that you're not exactly sure you earned the grades that you got, it goes along with what Wesley said in your last post--grades don't really mean anything about what you actually learned. Still, I'm glad to know that you did so well--it certainly helps you get college scholarships.
Get back to relaxin' now!
I'm glad you did so well too, bud, I think the grades you pulled off are awesome, especially since you're at a new and challanging school. I'm so proud of you for taking on the challange of leaving your friends and going to the new school and then kicking ass. Just make sure you don't forget how it felt to think you had gotten a bad grade because of the procrastination. It really is a bad habit that all of us procrastinators need to kick. I know I do, anyway. I'll start tomorrow. :)
I am proud of you Geoffrey. You never have to compete with me about grades, okay?
You are definitely a Hanna! We have all always tried to do really well in school, and we all really want to EARN the grades we get. We don't want to get A's by 'default.' But I will say, Bud, that you are a VERY smart boy, and I am sure you earned the wonderful grades that you got!! Good job!
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