Friday, June 16, 2006


There have been some missionary girls coming to the house and trying to convert me back to The Church of Jesus Christ and Ladder Day Saints. This is a problem for me because, I'm too nice to say GO AWAY. Why can't they understand that I have my own beliefs about religion. I'm sorry Danae, but their reasons for me to come back sounded kind of corny. I talked to Chelsee about them because they had come over when she was home and tried to convert her too. If I had chosen a church to go to, I would probably want them to have this kind of determination too, but they get on my nerves. What should I do? Should I write what I feel down on paper and bring it out the next time they come over? I certainly hope not.


At 6:02 PM, Blogger Allie said...

Hey Geoff,
Steve says that if the sister missionaries are hot you should totally consider taking the discussions for a little while. =)

Really, if you're not interested, you should just tell them. It saves them time that they could be spending on someone that is interested, and it saves you time not listening to them--It's actually a win-win situation just to be honest.
Make sure you really consider your options though. If you really aren't interested, and you really believe something else, then that's cool. If you think that what they have to say has value and meaning, then maybe you should listen to them. Don't let peer pressure from members of the family make you choose--we all love you no matter what, and its not going to hurt anyone's feelings if you choose something else.
No two people in our family believe the same thing. It's not that Danae is Mormon and the rest of us aren't. We ALL believe different things. I think that living in Utah makes it easy to polarize the situation and make it Mormon vs Non-mormon, but not even all Mormons agree on everything, and non-mormons certainly don't. What's neat about our family is that we all try to respect each other's choices and beliefs.
Anyway, that's my $.02.

At 3:07 PM, Blogger Chelsee said...

Geoff, I told them that I wasn't interested and they haven't asked me again. Although, it is latter day not ladder day. :) Maybe you should talk to them so you know where the holy land is. :) j/k I love you bud!

At 10:11 PM, Blogger -Wes- said...

So what happened?

At 10:05 AM, Blogger gamefreak said...

They never came back. I guess they gave up after they talked to Chelsee. I'm glad I don't have to talk to them anymore.


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