Thursday, August 24, 2006

Back To School

In addition to the complaint, "I don't want to go back to school," I totally got ALL new teachers this year. My old teachers were saying that if I took a certain subject they would be my teachers again next year. They lied to me. I liked their teaching methods alot better. My Spanish teacher was saying, "What? You're in Spanish II. You should know this stuff already." It's not like I memorized EVERYTHING I learned in Spanish I. One more thing to add to the list, my Drivers Ed. teacher asked us to give him a check for $140. That's WAY too much. He was saying that it would cost more if we went to somewhere else. I don't think it's worth it, but what am I supposed to do? I can't exactly quit going to this school now. I think this year is going to suck big time.


At 10:44 PM, Blogger Chelsee said...

Geoff, you are just like me. You hate change. I think that you should just give it a chance. You might end up liking it better than you did last year. When I got a new boss at Baskin, I hated him and got another job so that I could quit. After a while, I realized that I liked my new Baskin boss better than the new job that I had gotten. Stick with it and it will get better with time!

At 1:00 PM, Blogger Little Momma said...

I think Chelsee has it right. It is hard to get used to new situations and people, but after a while, you become accustomed to the newness and it starts to feel normal again. Just hang in there for a while. Or if you want, change your classes around so you can have the teachers you want. Don't feel victimized and powerless. There are solutions to these problems. Let me know if you need my help.

At 2:55 PM, Blogger -Wes- said...


The driver's ed teacher is already teaching you a lesson. All your life you will pay too much to drive a car. AAA estimates it costs more than $7,000 a year to drive a car. This estimate doesn't count what you pay to buy the car. Dude. You have already learned how to get around on a bus. I say skip driver's ed.

At 10:50 AM, Blogger Danae said...

I say "ditto" to everything everyone else said. Hang in there! It's only been one week! I think that you'll get used to your new teachers, and it might be nice to have a refreshing start (teaching method). Drivers Ed! Holy crap! How can you drive a car when you're only 5?!?


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