Friday, April 01, 2011

A Blogger Once More

Hello family! I've decided to start blogging again so that all of you can keep updated on whats happening with me in Kodiak. I've got lots to tell, so I'll probably divide it into 2 blogs. I'll start with what people probably already know.

I got here late February and I'm living in an apartment with Wesley and a roommate named Jake. Jake's a good guy and he works with Wesley at the Daily Mirror. (at least I think that's the name of where they work. That's what it sounds like they're saying, but its an odd name for a newspaper) Wesley and Elisabeth's sister Esther helped me get a part-time job my 2nd day here. I'm working at Big Al's Pizzeria which is in the back of a store called Cost Savers. Its a grocery store that's Kodiak's version of Costco. Its about a 10-15 minute walk away from our apartment, so I've been walking there almost everyday. There have been times when Wesley has been able to give me a ride because he had access to a car at that time. We were dog-sitting for Wesley's old boss Betsy for about 2 weeks and they were letting us stay at their house as if it were our own, so we got to use their cars for a while.

Anyway, I'm getting $7.75 an hour plus tips and some overtime. (which I think is $11.25 an hour or something like that) Wesley hasn't needed to support me at all other than giving me some space in the apartment, so I'm feeling pretty good about that. He's bought some food and other things for me, but it wasn't for lack of money on my part. I've received 3 paychecks so far (technically two because my first paycheck was only for one day of work) and I've been wondering what I should buy with my money. I have food, internet from the Fly-by coffee shop next door, phone service (I've agreed to just pay dad for my phone every month), and a recent acquisition of a $25 TV from one of my co-workers. I'm thinking of buying internet for our apartment so I don't have to keep buying cookies and non-coffee drinks from the coffee shop. I'm also thinking of saving money for a car or maybe tickets to come visit everyone in Utah. Maybe you guys can give me some other ideas on what to buy.

I would show pictures I've taken on my phone, but I don't really have anything to transfer the pictures on my phone to the computer. I need to buy some cord or memory card for it, and I doubt they'd have the kind I need because there's no Verizon Wireless store here. Allison was able to post a picture I took of a tree filled with bald eagles on one of her blogs, so if worse came to worse, I could send more pictures to her and she could send them back to me online in jpeg form, but that's a lot of trouble to go to.

In my next blog I'll talk about my work and stuff that's happened while I've been here.


At 2:45 PM, Blogger Allie said...

Glad you're blogging again, bud! If you do want to send pics my way, I can certainly convert them and send them back to you.
Love you!

At 2:56 PM, Blogger gamefreak said...

Thank you Allie. I love you too. :) I've just sent you 3 pictures. If I could get them back in jpeg form in an email, that would be great. I guess I had perfect timing for posting my blog. You responded almost right away. You're awesome. :)

At 8:09 PM, Blogger Kae Loy said...

I really appreciate long, newsy blogs like this. I like hearing what is going on, and especially that you are doing so well. I have really missed you and your cute sense of humor. There is a hole when we all get together at Allison's house. My advice is to just save your money. You will know what to buy with it when the right thing comes along. In the meantime, there is a good feeling that comes when you see your savings building up and you know it represents your time and hard work. A savings account can be an end in itself that gives you a lot of satisfaction. (Said by someone who almost never has any savings and only has about nine more years before she has to retire.) I love you, Geoffrey. It was nice to hear from you.

At 10:30 AM, Blogger Danae said...

Hi Geoff! I'm excited as well that you've decided to blog and keep us posted on what's going on in your life. I hope you can find a way to post pictures as I'd love to see all the great things you're seeing in Alaska! I so wish that I could come and visit sometime... maybe someday it will happen. In the meantime, we miss you and hope you're happy and well!!

At 9:09 AM, Blogger gamefreak said...

I didn't really feel like I made a huge impression most Sunday mornings. There were some fun moments like "ADAM!!! EVE!!!!" But other than that, I kept to myself a lot. I was kinda just there waiting to be included, which I usually was. I miss my time with family on Sundays too. It will be nice to have Allison and Steve here with Wesley and I, but it won't be the same as when we have the whole family together like we did those Sundays. And that's why I think....everyone should move up here! lol

At 9:48 AM, Blogger Chelsee said...

Good to hear from you, Bud! I'm glad you took me seriously when I told you that you had to start blogging again! I miss you a lot! I wish I had the problem of not knowing what to do with the money I was earning. You will figure it out though. At least you are making money now!!


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