Bad Day
Today after school, some guy named Parker was throwing candy and what looked like rocks at our small group of game players on the bus. He's one of the bigger kids at school, and he always looks like some wannabe metal guitar rock star, with his torn Levi jacket and bandannas. He's always playing bloody knuckles with anyone who will play him, and no one will play him because he seems to have mastered the timing and distance of his blows. He's had a black eye for a while, but I can only assume that he got it in a fight. We've all felt very intimidated by him so at first we just ignored it, but the things he threw kept coming. I said "You can stop now!" I don't know if it was me that provoked him or not but he kept throwing stuff. Some of the other people in the back of the bus were laughing when some stuff hit us. I thought some of them were decent people, but when I saw them enjoying Parkers harassment, it made me feel sick. I was playing cards on the bus, so they saw me as one of the nerds who would shrug it off because that's what they were taught to do. I was infuriated by this thought. Even writing about it now makes me tremble with hate. Of course, no one else saw it the way that I could see it. One of my friends was smiling and shaking his head at the same time, as if this would show that he was still in on the fun but didn't care for it. I saw someone else throw something at us, and I just snapped. I said "I will fucking sue you all if you don't stop now!!" Parker just laughed and looked out our teacher Mr. Olsen driving the bus. He had his mouth wide open looking at me from his mirror that lets him see the whole bus. Mr. Olsen knew me, so he told Parker to stop. Me and Parker argued about harassment until I got to Bountiful High. He stayed on the bus because Mr. Olsen still had to drop off the kids from Woods Cross. Mr. Olsen gave me a sympathetic look and said have a good weekend. When I got home I called Dad and asked him how to handle this. So, next week I'm going to talk to the school counselor about what happened. Dad said they'd probably just make it so he can't ride the bus anymore. I'm still anxious to see what will happen. Maybe I should try to finish my book. You never know who's keeping a list of people that have pissed you off. :)
Hey Bud,
I absolutely understand why you were upset, and it upsets me as well. I think that dad is right about you trying to talk to a counselor at school about the incident, and see what can be done through those channels. If anything continues, you need to keep authorities informed. I would warn you that in this day and age, you need to make sure that you report anything that makes you nervous. You never know when someone is going to bring a gun to school--the bully OR the bullied. Keep people informed about your concerns.
This makes me really mad too! I wish that I could still help you like with your bully in Elementary school that I told to go through me before I would let him hurt you anymore. I agree that it is important to stand up for yourself, but to also follow through with the things that you threaten, or else things will never stop. I love you Bud. I'm sorry to hear about this but I hope it can get resolved soon.
That sucks and it makes me mad, Geoff! I don't understand kids. I hope that you will be able to resolve the issue without drastic measures. I am glad you stood up for yourself and I hope that the teachers and/or counselors will do something about it.
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