Sunday, April 20, 2008

What's happening with me

Well, I was supposed to be leaving with Wesley in June to go live with him in Alaska, but it seems that the plans have changed a bit. Wesley is getting married to his girlfriend Elizabeth, and she's joining the coast guard, which moves around a lot. Wesley says that she doesn't know where she's getting assigned yet, but it might not be in Alaska, so I might be going to a different state with him. Wesley made it very clear that he still wants me to be with him no matter where we go. So, this complicates things because it sounds like she'll know where she's being assigned in August or September. This is a problem for me because I can't get into school on time. Wesley suggested that I take my GED instead. I 'm wondering why I can't just go to school late, because I don't think I'll have as many classes to do anyway. It depends on how many credits I've earned at NUAMES. Someone told me that the requirements to graduate at other high schools are lower than the requirements at NUAMES. I'll have to talk to my counselor to find out. As for school itself...I haven't been doing so well in one department. I feel like I've missed the train completely in my math class. I may have already told you that my will to work in that class is gone. The circumstances have not changed. Last quarter I got a D+ in the class. Not failing, but not enough for college credit either. This quarter is going to be worse, because our finals covering everything we've learned so far are coming up. I'm afraid to admit this but...I've been ditching some of my math classes. At first it was just to get back on track, because it was close to the weekend and my homework was due and I hadn't done any of it. I ended up doing it more afterwards because I never got the work done. My friend sitting next to me during that period saw me ditching one day and being the kind of person he was he said he would tell my teacher I was there instead of being sick. I still didn't have the work done, so even with that, I still ditched. I've even written a letter to my teacher explaining my dilemma and asking for help. I gave him my email address and everything, but he still hasn't responded. I'm not sure what to do. I don't want to tell you how many days I've ditched. The point is that I've dug my own grave when it comes to Trigonometry. I was thinking that I could take the online class I was going to take before to make up for it. I still have my book down in my room. I was also thinking that I could just retake the class next year at my new school. My classes always had a lot of seniors in them, which meant to me that I was higher up than I should have been anyway. I want your opinion, but I sort of already know what I'm going to hear. Most of you will probably say that I should just sit down and do all the work I've missed, or get a tutor to help me, but I want you to understand that it's not an option with me anymore. I have given up physically and mentally on math. One time early in the morning, I woke up early to do my math homework, but all I did was turn off the alarm and get back in bed. I didn't go back to sleep either, I just stayed awake in my bed torturing myself with thoughts of how much this was wrong. I still want to hear your opinion because right now I feel lost and worried about my future, so please comment on my blog.


At 12:28 PM, Blogger Little Momma said...

I know we have already resolved this issue, but I just wanted to say that I love you just the way you are. You don't have to prove anything to me. I do want you to be successful and happy and I think a good education is key to that, but you don't have to turn yourself inside out to impress me. You can just be you and still know that your Little Momma loves you.

At 11:00 PM, Blogger Chelsee said...

I feel bad that you first got the idea to skip your class from me, but I am glad that you were honest about how you feel about the whole thing, and then that we were able to fix the problem after that. I love you, Bud, and I agree with mom. You don't have to change yourself for us to like you.

At 4:33 PM, Blogger Danae said...

I didn't know the problem had been resolved, but just wanted to throw out that I know a great math tutor ir you EVER need one!

Hang in there, Bud! You are almost done and then all of this crap will be behind you. :)


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