Crash is such a big word

I crashed Kjersti's car. (Some of you are like "WHAT!!!") It wasn't as bad as it sounds. I was driving from our house to Kjersti and Jay's apartment, and I did fine most of the way. All I had to do was park their car in their usual spot, but I messed up. Jay said "Okay, now you have to do a pretty sharp turn right here." I did the turn pretty well, but I over did it, and there just happens to be pole to crash into if you don't do it right. All Jay said was "Brake." As I got closer to the pole, I thought that he was talking about the cement slab on the ground, but then Jay yelled "BRAKE!" I didn't have a chance. The memory of running into that pole seems to be in slow motion. I felt so stupid. Luckily, I didn't do too much damage to the car, so maybe, I might be able to save up some money and repair the damage. I don't know how much it will cost yet, but I think I might have enough money to pay for it. I'm just glad they took it so well. Jay said "Next time, brake when I tell you to." I just said "Thanks Jay." I don't want anyone giving me crap about this in the future. The damage was minimal. The best part about this is that I offered to pay for it. (Sorry Chelsee, no Christmas presents from me.) Just kidding!
Whatever! You can't punish me for you being a losser! j/k :) I think that Jay and Kjersti handled it fairly well. I never would have let you drive my car again...
I told your dad about your "incident" and he looked really sad. He said he was sorry that Kjersti and Jay have to pay the price for his not being the one who is teaching you to drive. You have the right idea that you should pay for the damage, but I don't think you have any idea how much it will cost to get the car fixed. It will take a lot of lunch money and mowing lawns to do it. It may even take some shoveling snow before you can pay it off.
There are two kinds of people in our family, Geoff, those who hit stationary objects, and those who don't. You've just proved which kind you are, but you're not alone, oh no, there are others...
Yep, can't say you are alone here bud. My worst time was was backing out of the garage and hitting the car in the driveway. That's mangling two family cars at once!
Thanks Wes. I feel much better now. I love the game Shadow of Colossus that you sent me. I've already beaten 9 bosses. The Sand Snake one is giving me some problems though. Could you help me out?
I think Jay and Kjersti are BIG people to forgive and forget so easily that you damaged their car! Good for them! I'm also really glad it wasn't me and my car... by all means, keep practicing in Kjersti's car, Bud.
Thanks for the tip Wes. (Wes called me about it.) I've beaten the game now and I'm on the 10th boss on the Hard difficulty.
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