Monday, June 04, 2007

The End...Not Really

School ended a while ago and I got some really good grades for the last term. I got four A's, one B+, one B, and two B-'s. I'm pretty proud that I did so well. All I have to do now is take a pre-calculus class during the summer. We've decided that I'm going to take an online class. The class itself is free, but we have to buy the book and software in order to take it. (We haven't done that yet) My counselor said that this was the hardest option to take because you'd be doing it on your own time. It wasn't really the option that I wanted either, but Bountiful High doesn't have any courses that qualify. I also think it's kind of stupid that this is my first year where I'm not school free during the summer, but I have to do it in order to take college level classes next year. I think the option of going to a different school is out now. Going to Bountiful High would mean making friends with my old friends again, and it feels a little awkward just seeing them on my walk back home. I feel like I've already severed ties with them, and I don't want to look back. And going to a school other than Bountiful High would be too far away. (Not that the one I have now is very close either) I just feel like I'm stuck doing what I don't want to do. I bet I'm just making this worse than it really is though. Maybe online schooling won't be so bad. Maybe I'll start reading more books during this summer so I can get more ideas for the book I want to write. The idea that I could write a book still hasn't left.


At 6:54 PM, Blogger Allie said...

Hey Bud,
I'm glad that you were able to do so well this last semester. I know you worked really hard.
Talk to Steve about online classes. He's been taking all of his college classes online, so he might have some good advice.
I'm sorry to hear that right now you feel like there are no good options when it comes to school. High school sucks--ask anyone. Just get'er'done and get on with life.
If you want to read "The Hero with A Thousand Faces" this summer, I think that's a good idea. I have the tapes, but one is missing. If I find it, I'll send them your way.
Love you.

At 6:56 PM, Blogger Chelsee said...

Bud, if you ever did want to go back to Bountiful High, you don't HAVE to make friends with your old friends again. I am sure you have noticed that school is a big place, and there are lots of people there. You make friends in your classes, etc... You wouldn't have to hang out with people that you didn't want to. I also think that you will do fine with an online class. I know that you and mom have been going to the library and stuff, so I think you will find the time. It just means that you get to sleep in and do on your own time instead of someone elses. You might even still have time to save the world once a day too. You'll be okay bud, and you will make friends wherever you go.

At 7:40 PM, Blogger Danae said...

I guess I am not up to date... why do you need to pick a different school?

Geoff, you did so GREAT on you classes! Those are great grades and I am very proud of you for doing so well when I know you were struggling a bit with some classes. That's such a good example to the rest of us to push through to the end when there are problems we are facing. GOOD JOB!

At 6:14 AM, Blogger Kjersti said...

Good luck, bud. I tried an online class and I sucked it up so bad that I had to end up dropping the class. I have no doubt you'll do a lot better than me, though, and if I can help you in any way, I will. With math, though, all my answers might sound the same, "Go ask Steve." I wasn't too good in math.

At 3:28 PM, Blogger gamefreak said...

I don't think that I can can get much help with math. Chelsee would always tell me that she couldn't remember, and Allison could only help because she still had her notes. I'll probably forget too. No one needs to remember matrices.


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