
I finally got my Christmas list done. Mom has the list, so if you want to get me a present, talk to her. As you may well know, my birthday is also coming up. If you want to get me a present for that too, you'll have to check with mom. I'm not expecting anything really expensive. Magic Cards are always acceptable. I never really want very much stuff when it comes to presents. I always get some cool stuff that I wasn't expecting, so it's not all that bad. Speaking of Christmas, I was wondering when Wesley would be coming. I know it's a lot of money to come here, but I want to spend as much time with my brother as possible. (He's an awesome brother!) When are you coming Wes?
I got you such a freakin' awesome present for your birthday! I totally rock!
Hi Geoff,
I think I wll be coming in January. The airline prices drop just after the holidays. I will try to firm up the dates soon.
I was wondering. What is your favorite color playing magic. What is your favorite deck theme?
Don't do that Allison! I already can't wait to see what it is. :) Okay Wes, you can come. My favorite color was white. It always had well rounded decks. Air and ground forces, awesome pump up cards, gain life stuff...yeah, white was awesome. Now, they're coming out with some awesome strategies, so I don't think I'll be dissapointed with any other colors. As for favorite deck theme, you might have to be a bit more specific. I still have a lot to learn about the card pro language.
Dude, Geoff, you're almost the easiest person to shop for, and then when the pressure is on I never know what to get you. Probably because I never have any money. Because I owe it all to the library.
Dude, we drew names for Christmas. Only one of us is going to be getting you a present for Christmas. Nothing personal. I will definately get you something for your birthday though.
I didn't mean to make it sound like everyone should buy me a Christmas present too. All I ment was that all of my birthday stuff is on my Christmas list.
Steve and I are getting you such freakin' awesome presents for Christmas! We totally rock!
Geoff! You replied to my blog! I was so happy I almost cried! You do love me, you do! I don't have anything for your birthday yet, but Gary and I will get you something freaking awesome!
Thanks for being so cool and being willing to share your birthday with Isaac... and for being willing to come to church even! What a cool Uncle! (No Allison, I don't need any drugs to calm me down, I really am THAT excited! :))
Poor Kjersti... who would have thought that one day the library would be such a source of contention for you. LOL.
Wes, we're happy that you get to come at all, so we won't complain (at least not too loudly) that you won't get to be here for the holidays. Definitely come soon, though! By the time you get here Isaac will have a mind of his own and won't be satisfied with just being your pencil holder during game time. :)
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