Girlfriend2 have a real girlfriend now. :) Her name is Kristy, and she goes to the same school as me. We had some of the same classes together last year, but we weren't really friends back then. This year we only have one class together, and it's a pretty boring class (Business Math), so one day I gave her a note saying "I'm sooo bored right now. Give me your email so we can talk." After that, we started to become better and better friends. I'd even stay after school just so I could hang out with her. It got to the point to where we had to go home, but we still wanted to talk to each other, so she gave me her cell phone number. (Her cell phone sucks. It drops calls a lot, and you have to call it twice before it picks up the call.) So we got to know each other a lot better. She had even said that she had confided stuff in me that she hadn't told many other people.
One day, I get a pretty short email from her that said "love Kristy" at the end. Of course I couldn't help but think that this might be a sign that she liked me. I casually brought it up in one of our phone calls, and she said that she was just writing it really fast, and didn't really think about what she wrote. After I finished talking to her on the phone, I decided that I'd joke about it and responded to the email. "Love Kristy? Did I get this from an alternate dimension? jk I know you had to write it fast, but sometimes I wonder...." Then she responded "Fine, I won't say that anymore. I was really doing it on purpose. I just told you I wrote it fast as a cover up." My eyes grew wide. I responded "....really? (suspicious look) You wouldn't really say that.....would you? I bet your just yanking my chain. lol" And she responded "Well you wouldn't know what I would
or wouldn't say so (lots of laughs that continued for about 70 lines. I'm not exaggerating). I wouldn't yank your chain, especially about this so ya." My heart started racing. I had no idea how I was supposed to respond to that....So I asked her to be my girlfriend. I even remember the day. Wednesday October 1st. She didn't respond right away when I asked her. She just said "Wow." I was so anxious for her response, I started naming off reasons why I asked her; each sounding more and more feeble as I said them aloud. She comforted me, saying that it was okay. And then....she said yes. :)
But after I asked her....she was pulled into some drama. She was told that she'd be kicked out of school if she didn't get her grades up. That, and things like family issues, medical problems, and stuff going on with her friends all piled up on her. She freaked out about it, and I freaked out about her freaking out about it, so these last two weeks haven't been that great. That's why I waited so long to blog about it. Anyway, things are starting to look up this week. She has shown me a completely new and positive attitude towards her future, and I'm going to try and be there for her and make it a reality.
She lives pretty far away, so you probably won't see her for a long time. I persuaded her into giving me some pictures of her to put up on this blog. I'm going to be giving her my blog address so she can read this for herself, so I just want you to be careful on how you respond to this blog. Anyway, here are the pictures she gave to me. Hope you like them. :)