Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Once again, my procrastination of homework has controlled me instead of me controlling it. If you haven't noticed, I'm not too good at getting my homework done ahead of time. I think I might need some help on this subject, but when people make suggestions, I still take it offensively. I'm not sure what I should do. Mom has offered to reward me for going to the library in order to finish my homework, but that doesn't seem right to me. It almost seems to be a punishment to send me to the library. Maybe I could do something more gradual, like playing games for 30-60 minutes only when I've finished my homework for one of my classes. I'd be up for any suggestions. (hint, hint)

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Crash is such a big word

I crashed Kjersti's car. (Some of you are like "WHAT!!!") It wasn't as bad as it sounds. I was driving from our house to Kjersti and Jay's apartment, and I did fine most of the way. All I had to do was park their car in their usual spot, but I messed up. Jay said "Okay, now you have to do a pretty sharp turn right here." I did the turn pretty well, but I over did it, and there just happens to be pole to crash into if you don't do it right. All Jay said was "Brake." As I got closer to the pole, I thought that he was talking about the cement slab on the ground, but then Jay yelled "BRAKE!" I didn't have a chance. The memory of running into that pole seems to be in slow motion. I felt so stupid. Luckily, I didn't do too much damage to the car, so maybe, I might be able to save up some money and repair the damage. I don't know how much it will cost yet, but I think I might have enough money to pay for it. I'm just glad they took it so well. Jay said "Next time, brake when I tell you to." I just said "Thanks Jay." I don't want anyone giving me crap about this in the future. The damage was minimal. The best part about this is that I offered to pay for it. (Sorry Chelsee, no Christmas presents from me.) Just kidding!