My precious games!
Lately, the urge to go and play more videogames is decreasing. I don't know why. My games are still fun. All I really do is play videogames all day, but now it doesn't seem to be all that inviting any more. It might be possible that my sub-conscious has started to loathe games because I'm always in a rush to finish my homework in the morning. (My own mind has betrayed me!) It could also be that I am spending much more time with my family- playing games, watching some movies. (My family could never be the problem....could it?) Maybe my pile of books has become too irresistible for me? (Inconceivable!) Anyway, I would like to hear your thoughts on this matter to put my mind at ease. They better be good comments!
P.S. - The spell checker wanted to replace the word videogames with piteousness. (I guess it was the closest thing.)